Should I pressure wash the house myself? 5 things to consider for DIYers

As the weather warms up, many homeowners are thinking about renting or purchasing a pressure washer to take care of the yuck growing on the sides of their home and driveway. Before you do so, we recommend you to consider five points that could help you determine whether getting your home pressure washed by a professional is the better route to take. 

How much do I want to spend to get a pressure washer?

Pressure washing equipment can be expensive to purchase, especially if you are using it only once or twice a year. The average entry-level gas pressure washer costs upwards of $300. Added costs are longer pressure hoses (who wants to pull the washer around), additional tips, longer wands, etc. A homeowner can easily see themselves investing $500 to get started with a basic gas pressure washer.

Electric models are available at lower prices, with major trade offs being significantly reduced power and capability. Most electric models come with modified pressure wands that limit your ability to use more powerful washing tips, or have proprietary connections that limit your accessories. You will also need to consider having an extension cord long enough to follow you around on the job. Even if you purchase one of the many electric models on the market, you’ll want to consider whether you want to store another tool in the garage or in personal storage. 

Consider renting a pressure washer from $50-$100 per day at your local big box store.

Have I studied the proper techniques to effectively clean what I want to clean?

Many customers we speak with tell us they have used the pressure washing wand to clean their concrete driveway and sidewalks. This is a very tedious approach to cleaning flat surfaces and often leads to tiger stripes being left on the surface. Not only will purchasing a small surface cleaner save your arms, it will also help reduce any uneven stripes. Customers have also told us they used pressure on the sides of their homes, leaving behind significant damage to the property such as broken siding, windows, and window screens.

Am I familiar with the correct chemicals?

The big box stores are happy to sell you chemicals that are supposed to clean your driveway, brick, and siding. However, most times those chemicals are not strong enough to actually clean anything. We know, we’ve used them. In fact, the mixes are often so weak, they cannot produce near the result the homeowner expects. We recommend using industry-grade chemicals, such as F9, EBC, and Gutter Butter to effectively clean the appropriate surfaces.

What is my safety plan while operating my pressure washer?

Pressure washing can be a dangerous job without a safety plan in place. Users should at a minimum wear safety glasses, gloves, and closed toed shows. If chemicals are being used, make sure you are following all recommended guidelines on the chemical container. As an example, misusing bleach may result in burned skin.

Do I have the necessary time to complete projects?

Let’s face it: those honey do lists can be very long. Using pressure washers on the lower end of the market means it will likely take you several hours to clean a basic four car driveway, especially if you are using a wand or small surface cleaner to do the job. If you are cleaning concrete, consider purchasing a small surface cleaner to reduce the time it takes to clean.

We hope these questions help you decide whether doing the work yourself makes most sense for your situation. Most homeowners will choose to work with a professional pressure washing company so they can relax and enjoy looking at their clean home without the added hassle.

We’d love to be your exterior cleaning partner. Complete the form to get an estimate, or give us a call 832-953-4464!

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